Bhagirath Baria

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The Author of this blog has keen interest in understanding Economics and its implications on the Individual and the Economy as a whole. Has been writing articles and analysis of issues that may skip general observation, but exert deep influence on people's lives and their decisions. Discussions and Debates related to conventional as well as non-conventional Economics is done here. The author of this blog doesn't classify himself to any particular School of thought in Economics. He is tilted toward Mainstream Economics, though has keen interest in a few Heterodox schools too. Wishing all the readers a truly enriching experience.



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Creative Commons License
Rath & Economics by Bhagirath Baria is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.5 India License.
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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sorry for the long gap

Dearest readers, I sincerely apologize for a long gap in publishing the articles. Lack of regularity also occurred since last 2 months. Due to constant problems going on at my end, I couldn't keep the pace with time & publish articles regularly. But now, all's done & everything's great. Articles on latest issues going on in our Economy & allied issues will be regularly published so that readers can update themselves. New articles will be put EVERY SATURDAY and SUNDAY. Thank you for your warm responses, you are a part of R&E family. Good day.