Bhagirath Baria

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The Author of this blog has keen interest in understanding Economics and its implications on the Individual and the Economy as a whole. Has been writing articles and analysis of issues that may skip general observation, but exert deep influence on people's lives and their decisions. Discussions and Debates related to conventional as well as non-conventional Economics is done here. The author of this blog doesn't classify himself to any particular School of thought in Economics. He is tilted toward Mainstream Economics, though has keen interest in a few Heterodox schools too. Wishing all the readers a truly enriching experience.



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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Patriotism vs. Nationalism: Minimizing Armies

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Introductory note:
Since past few days, it has been noticed that there is a lot of murmuring about Militaries and their utilities for nations of the World. Youngsters are rejoicing the concept of Military and are expressing their perceptions about it. Most of them are very positive about 'expansion' of Indian Military(so are the people of other nations). This post intends to provide a basis for thinking in a better and a much more refined way. It is directed towards Military apparatuses of all the nations worldwide and not just India.

It is my initial assertion that 'smaller', 'qualitatively efficient' and 'effective' Military is a prerequisite for a Nation's security. The problem starts when an expansion-spree begins, as is evident everywhere in the World. This post aims at debunking that, more by using analytical and logical argumentation.

Military- A State Apparatus:

Army, Navy and Air Force together form the Military apparatus of our State(Government). It is a very crucial element in maintaining the Sovereignty of our nation. Many consider it as mutually exclusive from the Legislature, Judiciary & Executive, but it is not so. Military ensures the nation remains safe on its borders, from Foreign aggression. It thus works in coordination and direct command of the Prime authorities of India- namely The President, The PM and Council of Ministers. Military, in India at least, is quite well-controlled by the Ministers(Defense Minister being the prime bridge between Government and Military).

Historic continuance of Militaries:

Since the ages of Kings and Emperors, we've always had in the Indian subcontinent, Kings and Emperors waging wars with each other to grab territories, expand their rule-base, enhance their resources & win wars. Thus a 2 fold utility of Military rose:

1. Offense: Expansion of territories by Emperors and Kings; Waging wars; Increasing resources by snatching it away from other rulers and a few more reasons. This means Armies were there to be used as a tool of aggression.

2. Defense: Protection of territories, Fighting wars to sustain the territory, Protecting precious natural resources by having armed forces and a few more.

Military History of India:

India has one of the longest Military Histories in World. It dates back to several Millennia(1). Its mention as 'Armed Forces' is there in our Vedas and Epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata. India has seen the invasion of a plethora of races in its History- Kushans, Huns, Arabs, Turks, Afghans, Mongols, Moghuls and Europeans. Thus, the concept of having Armed Force is not a new idea for India. Same applies, though in twisted forms, to all the other nations of the World.

Indian Military today:

In modern times, Armed Forces is a large consumer of national Budgetary allocations, called in Indian Budgets as Defense Allocation. Latest data puts it at Rs 1,64,414.49 crore ($36.03 billion) making it the 10th largest Military-budget nation(2). It consumes around 2.2% of GDP and 13.07% of Indian Government spending every year(3). And it is increasing consistently except a few /exceptions.

The 'Arms race' World wide:

All nations today are in a spending-spree. Nations are competing with each other to have the latest and most up-to-date Armed forces ready to face any challenge. U.S., European nations like Germany and France, China, Pakistan, etc. are all in an 'Arms Race'. Competing with each other is the key necessity in order to 'prepare' for any future challenge.

The problem with this race is that it has no end. Its an infinitely adding Monetary addition to the Budgets. Moreover, Defense companies in the developed World keep pushing for the sales of their products. Indeed the Governments demand so, but that's just the Demand =side issue. The Producers too keep innovating and thus while India is going to purchase 4th Generation fighter planes, U.S. is already ready to sell 5th Generation planes. One might point out the Indo-Russian cooperation which recently made the 5th Generation fighters, but they'll be introduced in around 2020 in India. The developed World(France, U.S., etc.) will have 6th or probably 7th Generation fighters ready by then. Its an arms race, Profits are the driving force.

Nations like U.S., France, etc. earn a huge chunk of their Yearly revenues through Defense sales and thus we see France and U.S.(even Russia) bidding for India's Defense purchase of 126 fighter planes. It really makes NO difference whatsoever, even if we were to purchase 100th Generation planes for Military. The reason? Here it is:

x, x+n model:

Basic Mathematics(precisely Arithmetic) may help us here. Suppose a nation A, increases its Spending on its Military apparatus by amount x. Its neighbouring and competing nations(in arms race) will tend to spend an amount that is greater than x, i.e. x+n. n here is the monetary excess as compared to the other competing nation.

This Monetary value 'n' has a tendency to keep rising. We can consider it as an infinitely increasing number. Spending on Defense has been increasing tremendously in India since Independence. Recently, China too expanded its Defense budget, matching that of India(4). This brings out two important variables governing the flow of Defense industry going on:

1. Competition: Every nation has to keep competing with each other in order to gain a competitive advantage in Defense abilities, over the threatening nations,. In case of India, China & Pakistan are two such nations whose Defense spending is a Geo-political signal for Indian policy makers.

2. Insecurity: It is a crucial element of keeping the Competition alive & the Defense industry(mostly in Developed nations and Russia) running smoothly. The moment a nation feels secured, some insecurity ought to creep in to keep the flow moving. Logically it follows, no nation is completely secured today, hence this arms race.

Spending and not an Investment:

Military expenditure is classified as 'Capital Expenditure' and not as Capital Investment. A nation only spends, there are 'no returns' whatsoever. Many people make the incorrect claim by asserting that it will save Billions in future. Its not so. Military expenditure is always a 'wastage' of Financial resources of a nation & only 'increases the probability of a War'. The 'billions saved in future' theory is wrong, nothing is saved. As explained above, x+n shows that 'n' tends to consistently increase. There's no scope for saving anything. Indeed the selling nation makes billions, but the purchasing nations are only at the losing end, feeding the Profit registers of those Corporations and Treasuries of the Developed World.

The Solutions:

Following are some very much applicable solutions:

1. Eliminating the arms race: This can be done only when International Organizations like U.N. intervene, provide a platform for this initiative. The nations currently selling and purchasing Defense products must work closely to reduce their insecurities by exhausting he Diplomatic channels.

2. Robot soldiers: This suggestion may seem odd at first sight, but is a very realistic one. Instead of Human soldiers, with life, emotions, abilities, talents and dreams being wasted in Armed forces, Robots must replace them. These Robot-soldiers would be controlled through some Headquarter by Computers. These robots can then go on wars, every nation can afford to do so. This means 'tremendously reduced' loss of Human lives. It means expanded Social Division of labour. Wars would be much cheaper comparatively, at least in terms of innocent Human lives that are lost when young people die in such a havoc.

Concluding note:

Thus, eliminating the arms race, replacing Human-soldiers with Robot-soldiers, thus letting the currently present Human-soldiers live a better, productive life, is the necessity of modern times. We boast of Technology in almost every sphere of life, Why not here too.

We must be Patriotic and not Nationalist. Service to nation is not about joining Armies. Its called Nationalism, which only harms. Lakhs of youngsters prepare to 'kill' lakhs of youngsters somewhere else, all in the name of nationalism. Its morally incorrect. Rather be Patriotic. Work better, Spread the truth just like the Father of our nation Mahatma Gandhi did, Educate yourselves, Spread creativity, Spread Knowledge and thus make India a better place to live. Rather, lets have an Education race, Health race & alike! 

Ending the discussion with the words of Charles De Gaulle, "Patriotism is when love for your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first." 


(4)- same as 3rd.