Bhagirath Baria

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The Author of this blog has keen interest in understanding Economics and its implications on the Individual and the Economy as a whole. Has been writing articles and analysis of issues that may skip general observation, but exert deep influence on people's lives and their decisions. Discussions and Debates related to conventional as well as non-conventional Economics is done here. The author of this blog doesn't classify himself to any particular School of thought in Economics. He is tilted toward Mainstream Economics, though has keen interest in a few Heterodox schools too. Wishing all the readers a truly enriching experience.



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Friday, July 10, 2009

Union Budget 2009-10, Major Indirect Tax Reforms in Textile sector.

Hello everyone. Hereby I deliver my readers an analysis of the proposed changes related to the Textile Sector. Pranabda's Budget has proposed to increase the Planned Allocation to Rs. 4500crore from Rs. 4090crore last Fiscal. Rs. 3140crores has been allocated to TUFS(Technology Up-gradation Funding Scheme), its a scheme that aims to spur modernization and more investment in this sector. Firstly lets know about the proposed changes in the INDIRECT TAXATION related to Textile products. If we deeply introspect, we shall find that no big changes have been made here. The DUTY STRUCTURE as per my research:

1). Excise duty on NAPHTHA reduced to 14%. A good move indeed. Electricity producers were demanding this since a long time.

2). Excise duty on some Textile chemicals namely Man-made fibres is as below:
-Polyester's E.D. again brought to 8% from 4% last Fiscal.
-Latex rubber thread's E.D. increased to 8%. It is widely used in Garment Industry. Thus, the price of related Garments is soon to hike.
-CENVAT credit has been given as a benifit and on a counter move, E.D. on Cooton yarn expanded to 4% from 0%.

3). Excise Duty REDUCED ON following:
-LCD(Liquid Crystal Display) plates.
-Mobile items.
-Luxury cars.
-LPG(Liquefied Petroleum Gases).

4). Custom Duty REDUCED ON:
-On 9 specified drugs, Custom duty is reduced. This will make these commodities dearer by 10-15%.
-On branded Jewelry.

5). Custom Duty increased on Gold, to make Gold, Golden!

6). Service Tax regime not to be levied on Manufacturing
This is an analysis of Major Indirect Tax analysis, if you have any views to share or additions to this data, you are welcomed with utmost gratitude. Enjoy the Analysis.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

"Union Budget 2009-2010" Analysis: Major Drawbacks,

Firstly, a warm hello to all. Here is my Analysis of the Union Budget. Talking by a Macro Level perspective, our Economy is currently facing a 6.8% FISCAL DEFICIT that need to be covered quickly.
As expected by the Economic Survey 2008-09, Mr. Pranab Mukherjee was expected to raise atleast Rs. 25000crores through Disinvestment. But certainly only Rs. 11.2Million has been proposed to be borrowed from the Mammoth Private players. This depicts a strong attack on "short-term" goals rather than "long-term" vision. Thus, here comes the need to raise debt from the Financial Market.
The BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT Pranab babu's Budget has created is Lack of any clear-cut reforms on FDI limits, Financial Sector Reforms, Opening of the Coal Sector to Private players and the most crucial one, Disinvestment of PSUs(Public Sector Units). Still as the Budget Speech clearly stated, "a Single Budget cannot solve all our problems, nor is the Union Budget the only instrument to do so." Thus, as Pranabda told that Disinvestment Policy shall be finalized in the Winter Session of Parliament, we hope to see Disinvestment soon.
Another step that seems good but has no strong effect is the removal of CTT(Commodities Transaction Tax). It was announced in the Budget of 2008-09 by the then Finance Minister P Chidambaram. Its rate was 0.017%(Rs. 17 on Rs. 1Lakh's transaction). Though the entire Commodity Industry expresses its happiness on its removal, I personally feel that it doesn't make any "Revolutionary" move(as was expected). I feel so because this tax wasn't yet implemented also, thus it provides a relief from a "never faced difficulty"! Still I'll discuss other aspects too.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Analysis to be posted on 9th,

Hello blogeders(blog+readers). I would like to apologize to all about the fact that the Promised Analysis of Budget will be put tomorrow i.e. on 9th July. I promise to give an analysis that would be easily perceptible even by someone who's not aware of the Economic Lingo. Today, I had been constantly busy in collecting necessary information regarding the Union Budget through external sources as well as by attending seminars. I promise to deliver you, a Layman's Budget Analysis(L.B.A.) tomorrow by night 8.30pm. The analysis job is still going on. Thanking you for your co-operation. Blogger Bhagirath(B2).

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

The Union Budget 2009-2010.

Dearest viewers of the blog. I am very happy to tell you that this post is solely for your views. I am hereby urging all of my readers to have their say. Our Hon' Finance Minister Mr. Pranab Mukherjee will be walking in the Parliament with the heavy burden of India's future, on his shoulders.
I would like you people to come forward and say what you expect from the Union Budget 2009-2010. It will affect you, me and the entire social fabric at large. So, here's a way of saying what you expect from the Union Budget. I'll be putting forward my ANALYSIS of the UNION BUDGET on 8th July. But before that I feel, that as the nation's future, we youngistanis need to come forward and say what we feel correct.
Everyone is whole-heartedly welcomed. Be it an Economist, or a student like me, anyone who wants to tell what are his/her expectations from the forthcoming Budget. Do visit this blog again on 8th and enjoy an analysis of the Union Budget in a layman's language! Come forward, speak your views.